Golfers usually wear very classic and trendy clothes. So much so that they are even easily recognized far from the courses and many “dressed” to kill with stunning and colorful golf outfit. Even though golf is becoming more democratic, polo shirts and canvas pants remain fashionable in order not to attract the disapproving look of the member sitting on the terrace of the clubhouse. Dress well to play golf. When you go golfing at a country club, it is wise to be aware of the dress code and dress appropriately. This is especially true if you are playing with associated companies or business clients.
Most clubs require you to wear the correct type of golf apparel before walking on the course. Luckily, with a few simple tips, you can dress well by playing golf. A good place to start when you choose golf apparel in order to dress well to play golf is a shirt that fits you well, and that looks neat and tidy. Most country clubs expect players to wear shirts with collars to avoid t-shirts or v-neck collars. The sleeves of your collared shirt should be three-quarters of your elbow. If your shirt goes up to your elbow, this could affect your swing.
Keep a certain label
Traditionally, golfers wore a city or country suit consisting of a shirt with tie and jacket. The pants could be short, but often went into the socks to avoid the wet grass. A more sporty uniform was adopted with brightly colored pullovers and checkered pants. As time evolves, the dull colors (brown, dark green) proper to the English were abandoned with the appearance of the television to discern the players. Women too, played for a long time in a dress (when they were allowed to play) before they could dress in skirts or shorts.
Nowadays, respect always presents
Men always keep a more modern correct outfit for playing golf. Polo, trousers, and cap form the golfer’s outfit (exceptionally well-cut cotton Bermuda are usually allowed). The shoes are special with small cramps under the soles to air the greens. Golfers usually wear a glove on their left hand for better club’s grip.
Also, to dress well to play golf your shirt must be properly tug in. Leaving your shirt out of your pants seems neglecting, which also shows disrespect to the sport, and is too casual for most country clubs. When you put on your pants, make sure the bottoms gently touch the top of your shoes. Higher or lower, your pants will not fit the fashion correctly. If you wear shorts rather than full pants, your shorts should fall just above your knees. Again, if they are longer or shorter, they can affect your swing. Also, your pants tend to drop as you play, so if they are too long to start, you will stumble at the end of the turn.
To dress well to play golf, if you are concerned about this type of pants to wear, you can never go wrong with a good pair of khakis. They will blend with almost any shirt and make you look like a pro. Avoid sports pants and jeans, which are too casual and inappropriate for a country club dress code. If you wear outerwear or waterproof clothing, it is best to wear a garment that fits snugly. Oversized golf apparel will hamper your game as it will not allow you to play freely.
Check out Here for your ideal golf outfit and dressed yourself up to impressed in your next golf game!
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